Monday, May 21, 2007

One Little Word

I got some time to scrapbook yesterday which was wonderful! Most of the time I was just working on little albums for the kid's pre-school teachers as a thank you but I did also get the chance to make a page for the 1st challenge at This was fun!

Their first word is 'GO' and you are challenged to create a page about whatever this word inspires in you. As I was online yesterday the kids were running around playing making ALOT of noise and I happened to notice on our desk the pictures of each of the kids from the hospital as a newborn and made me think - 'Where did the time go..." - thus my page!!!

I have decided that I will use these challenges as pages for my own little 9x9 album of favorite pictures and just things I want to say. So anything GOes!!



Lynn said...

I love this! So true where does the time GO??

one little word

Ronda Palazzari said...

This is so beautiful! I know how you feel, it seems my Lexi was just a baby and now she is entering High School! What a great inspiration!