Sunday, May 18, 2008

What have we been up to??

* Trying to grasp the fact that school is almost over!! He have had our last weekly Church Youth Night last week, one of Lexi's speech therapy appts is about to end for the year and with the end of the year come end of year gifts and class parties and fieldtrips!
* Watching alot of golf on tv and online since my brother-in-law has been doing so great!! Yay Kenny!!!!!!!!!! The kids are loving getting to see Uncle Kenny on tv!!
* We finally bought a new mattress after a frightening number of years of desperately needing one! Let's see if I can now actually sleep!
* I have become obsessed with a new book series, Twilight, and have been trying to get everyone I know to read it - I have even gotten Logan's Kindergarten teacher hooked!! (Have you read it yet?)
* Lexi has been playing soccer!! Yes - very entertaining watching 3 year olds play!! She does whatever her coach says to do and is very literal - if he says stand there... she stands there!! Even if everyone else is running to the ball... she stands there!! Then the coach realizes he has to tell her to move - and she moves!! So funny!
* Lexi had her first dentist appt and did well!
* Logan's Kindergarten teacher told me he read almost all of the 1st grade sight words!
* Todd took my mom and I to the Ballet doing Carmina Burana for Mother's Day! It was absolutely wonderful! Todd and I's first official date was seeing the Symphony perform Carmina Burana!
* I have been actually working more at the scrapbook store since we had several employees leave due to beautiful babies and other home matters. Makes it harder to spend family time when I am gone 3 work nights, church and some other activities that I am in and then some random work dinners for Todd!! Yes - family time is something that we need to make a priority!!!!!!!!
* Todd's b'day is coming up and so is our 11th Anniversary!
* Failing miserably to update the blog or to even scrapbook!!!! But this too - hopefully will change!!!!

Much love to you all!!! Promise to upload some new pics soon!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hi Kelli! I found your blog! Your family is so beautiful! See you at work! :0) Tiffany