Sunday, May 4, 2008

Just little tidbits..

The World According to Lexi

* Lexi refers to Logan as "MY BOY - My silly boy"

* How do you spell your name? "Letters X-I-L-E"

* When we drove into the bank to go to the ATM - she yells "Mommy! The Money Store!"

* Gave her some Propel to drink and she goes "Propel - Oh Yeah! - Propel - Oh Yeah!!" in a chant complete with the Cabbage Patch Doll dance

* While at church she noticed on the large cross over the alter the white fabric draped over it that hangs kind of like a w with tails at each end - she turns her head so she can look at it upside down and says "that's Mc Donalds upside down and it should be yellow not white!"

* asked to clean her room "I'm not doing that! You do it!"

I can't wait until she actually starts having an opinion! ;)


Anonymous said...

What a character! I love that kid.

I never thought about it, but she's right--the parament does look a lot like the McDonald's sign! I think it changes to red this Sunday for Pentecost, which is a tiny bit more McDonaldsy. ;)

Rebekah said...

Your little girl says the cutest things. Reminds me of when my boys were that age. My little girl will soon come to that age. They do say some of the greatest things don't they?

Kim Kennedy said...

Okay...I've read this post several times now (on several different days) just because I get such a laugh out of it. Lexi is one funny girl!