Thursday, January 10, 2008

Poor Wicky

Per Michelle's request... I have posted this sad little photo of my baby boy (kitty) Wicky. He is a beautiful huge black persian that unfortunately had to get shaved today... A cat just does not deserve a poodle haircut!!!!

Poor Baby!!!

update: Per Karen and Sharon's question - poor Wicky just had horrible knots that we could not get out - nor could the groomers... thus the Poodle!


Unknown said...

Oh my! Why did he get shaved??

Anonymous said...

Does it make it better that I'm at least saying "Awwwwwww!" while I'm laughing? Poor, cold little bowling ball!

How long will it take him to grow his hair back? (And why IS he shaved?)

Ronda Palazzari said...

ohhh poor wicky....It looks like he is trying to be a lion. Roar!