Friday, September 7, 2007

The Little Things

Just a few of the little things that I love about the kids

* Lexi's amazingly large eyes
* Logan's beautiful blue eyes
* The budding artists they are becoming
* Dora piloting the Millenium Falcon
* How Lexi hugs Logan so hard her eyes close
* Logans engineering brain and his Lego creations
* Lexi 'having' to wear her princess shoes to run errands
* Hugs from my 'babies'
* Their infectious laughs

I just had to capture them! And when I saw this new paper - I knew this was the perfect choice.

Have a great weekend and be sure to enjoy the little things in life! Especially the ones with two legs!

1 comment:

Ronda Palazzari said...

It really is those little things that add up to a bunch of LOVE!