Saturday, February 24, 2007

Creative Chaos

So how do you work in creative chaos? That is what I am asking myself everyday that I sit down to try and scrapbook. My hubby has been very kind to me and given me an end of our downstairs room to call my own - my Scrapbook Area. The problem is the area just doesn't seem to be big enough for all my 'collection' and I am still not coming up with the best storage solutions for my space. This area is also the catch all for family info, my mail, purchases, gifts, projects, etc. So at any given time it is a complete disaster! It takes me 20-60 minutes + to clean up before I can even sit down to create. Unfortunately dampers the creativity.

I have my eye set on a large cube bookshelf that I think will solve alot of my problems. I am anxiously awaiting IKEA to open but it will be a good year plus so I wait (Thanks to my friend's Tannile & Aysha who turned me onto this bookcase)... Meanwhile I have found a wonderful one at Meijers that I might even have to have to save me from the waiting. I'll keep you posted on that one.

I have been at least able to do a little bit of fun scrapbooking! I have almost completed a 14 page 1st year baby album pages that will be offered as a class and kit at the scrapbook store I work at. That was fun!!!! (Too bad I am done with most of those pages for my kids! ;) I also am having this bad habit of starting pages and projects and not finishing them! I currently have a canvas painted to do some wall art for my scrap space, large clothes pins painted to decorate also for my area, chipboard books cut and scored to be covered and decorated into mini name albums, Magnetic paint to make boards for my area, and three new sets of My Mind's Eye paper set out with sketches to do pages that just needs pictures chosen and then done! And that is just on one of my tables!!! See how sad my area is!! ;) But I still love it!

My goal is to get this area tip shape! So that I can thoroughly ENJOY looking at the space, being in the space and creating in the space. (Remember - my word for the year is ENJOY - I must embrace this). I have some organization methods that I truly enjoy that I have gotten from friends and books. But... if any of you have some great (and inexpensive) ideas... I would LOVE to hear from you!!! It is always better to hear from people that truly use these ideas and know they work.

So my wish for you all - Have a wonderful week and to those who scrapbook - Be creative and find your inspiration! My friend Erin ( has been so productive with fun and meaningful layouts lately that she has truly gotten me inspired! (and you said you wouldn't be scrapping anytime soon!) Happy belated birthday Erin to you and to Ronda A! Know you guys had a fun one!


Anonymous said...

I'm giggling because I just finished reading an email from CK on organizing your scrap space, and then I checked your blog and saw this post. Spooky!
I'm right there with you on trying to get everything organized. You should see the mismatched hodgepodge of cabinets and bookshelves that I've laid claim to while setting up my scrapbook space. I've decided to paint all of the wooden things the same color so at least it looks nicer.
I'm totally stealing your idea of using my tape cases. I think I'm also going to get some hanging folders. (I'll post a pic of my space on my blog soon.) ;)

Ronda Palazzari said...

I am always in search of great organization. My problem is if I don't see, I forget about it. So how can you have it out & look good at the same time. What a dilemma for me! So I am sending you some organization juices, hoping you will inspire me!