Monday, August 18, 2008

Our Big First Grader!!!!!

He is really in first grade!!! And he is going to school all day! Wow! Seems really strange to have him gone all day. We set his alarm this morning thinking he might have trouble getting up especially since he had trouble going to bed last night. But by 7am he was awake and playing Legos. Maybe it is only Mommy who needs the alarmWhat was really strange was the fact him leaving was just so casual. He was chatting with his friend Tristin who lives next door and just ran to the bus without even saying bye to us!! At least he turned and waved to us from the bus. .
(he is behind the only window with writing on it of course.) And sadly I only got about 4 pictures!! Now what am I going to scrapbook....

And here is also a gratuitous photo of the adorable Ms Lexi waiting for the bus with Logan. She also had a big day and got to meet her two new teachers at the new preschool that she is starting this year. Two more weeks before she gets to go to school for a couple days to be like her big brother.
Best wishes to all of yours on their first day of school.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh goodness! Is Lexi not going to Sonlight?