Monday, March 3, 2008

But they go with everything!

So what exactly do you wear leopard print and pink rain boots with? If you ask Lexi - the answer is EVRYTHING!!!

This has been by far her favorite Christmas present - she wears them 6 days a week. She might give into us on one occasion. (Thanks Unc Kev, Aunt Mare, Joseph, Jack, Erin & Emma!)

She even wore them with a floral skirt to preschool for her class picture last week... I think they stuck her in the back row to hide them.... ;)

This picture is just for Aunt Marianne since she thinks Lexi's only clothes are Leopard Print. Talk about stylin'!!!!

1 comment:

Ronda Palazzari said...

LOL...this girl has her own sense of fashion! Go Lexi GO!