Friday, February 2, 2007

I love Harry!

Okay.. I admit it.. I love Harry Potter!! I love everything about the books and the movies. I am absolutely amazed at how a book written for children can speak to a 30 something (hee-hee) year old and 'be on my level'. I am one of 'those people' that counts down until the newest book comes out (July 21st in case you haven't heard). The last two books - I was with 300 of my closest friends at the Barnes & Nobles at midnight waiting for the release of the book. Then of course I would go home and read until I got 'tired' which never seemed to happen with a Harry Potter book! I would have 700 pages read in just over 48 hours. Of course my family never got to talk to me. But if Todd and the kids will let me - I plan on being there again this July and reading all weekend - (let me know if you want to join me!)

So in preperation for the final book to be released and the 5th movie... A friend of mine (hey Ronda!) and I decided to reread all 6 books (one a month) and see if we can find some of the hidden answers to what will happen in the 7th book. I made us a cute little Harry Potter journal to jot down our thoughts (since I don't seem to have much of a memory anymore.) Ronda's daughter Lexi, my mom, my friend Sharon and a friend of my moms have all decided to join us in this quest! By the time we are done... we will have it all figured out and have all the answers!!! Unfortunately I can not share any of these with my husband - he is currently reading the 5th book - which is supposed to be read by the July movie release. I haven't even been able to talk to him about who died in the 6th book!!!!! Thank goodness for my mom and friends that will commiserate with me!!!

So - until July - you can find me reading my Harry Potter books (maybe that is why I am doing so few blog entries - that or the playing of Webkins) and if you have any thoughts about what is to happen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - I would love to hear them. I can theorize with the best of them!

In parting I leave you with this thought from Dumbledore (note to my dad who will never read or watch HP - he is the headmaster of the wizarding school)

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."


Unknown said...

Good idea to re-read the HP books, Kelly! I'd love to join ya' when you stand in line with your other closest friends in July to get the last book! Those journals you made are so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I'll never be able to look at Harry the same way again after seeing those Equus pictures. (I never really wanted to see little Harry Potter without his--glasses.) GAH!

Ronda Palazzari said...

Seriously right there with you! I'm ready for the discussion! Got my last book at midnight too! Okay so I sent Andrew but I waited up for him to get home so I could read it! LOL! I got my "trust Snape" sticker from Borders. I am such a loser!